過了數年的負資產生活, 不知不覺間練就了慳錢的本領,還變成了生活習慣. 慚慚地又發覺原來"慳", 除了荷包受益, 亦有幫環保.現在日子雖然好過了,不過依然繼續慳. 無他, 因為已經成為生活習慣!
又有免費咖啡飲~ 仲意飲既記得帶個杯去啊~
知... 只係.... 深水埗區一間都冇~~~~~
Thanks your sharing! I enjoyed one cup of free dark coffee![版主回覆04/26/2011 23:35:00]味道如何啊??
Isn't that we must bring the cup provided by ( and sold from) Starbucks?
知... 只係.... 深水埗區一間都冇~~~~~
回覆刪除Thanks your sharing! I enjoyed one cup of free dark coffee!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/26/2011 23:35:00]味道如何啊??
Isn't that we must bring the cup provided by ( and sold from) Starbucks?